FML looks good
Game has infinite loading? It just keeps loading and im a new fag and dont know how to play, please help-.-
FML looks good
Game has infinite loading? It just keeps loading and im a new fag and dont know how to play, please help-.-
Hm, try refreshing the page, it sounds like the connection with Newgrounds might have gotten busted there for a moment.
(Thanks for not Zero'ing upon an internet connection failure beyond my control.)
Okay.Let me start off by saying I LOVE the idea of the game.Its a great idea and is extremely fun more so if the levels are infinite like Canabalt. But unlike Canabalt it was terribly executed.The map didn't move simultaneously! So basically you had no clue what was coming next so you had to wait for the read wall to get closer, that or jump blind! Over all terribly executer 1 For mechanics and 4 for the actual idea.I'm extremely disapointed by this release you could have made it a lot better.
I liked it,Fun game kept me playing for a good 2 minutes actually,I would have played much more,But I really dont have time,ATM,All together it was pretty cool,Just its a bit generic.But Nice job!
Well psychonik you probably don't get it.I don't know how though,This is a very simple game.But just because you didn't like it doesn't mean you have to give it such a bad review.I mean WOW,Do you even have a reason for the 1 other than the confusion this has somehow caused you? I on the other hand enjoyed this.It was a good little game to play after I got home I just sit down play it for a bit,Its a good time waster but not addictig ENOUGH im not saying that harshly im saying that like, ''Its not one of those games that I play for like 2 Hours straight,And belive me I have played games like that.But overall good work,Nice simple artwork.Good Job!
Honest review
I thought the game was O.K it wasn't really my kind of game.For me it just got epetitive quite fast.But on the plus side I absoloutly loved the ingame art and the stye of animation.Now please don't bash this as un-helpfull,Im not being a jackass.Im giving honest critisism.And I also do admit I couldn't make a game at all! But still its just not my type of game.But good work.And I hope to see more games from you later on.
Loved the idea loved the game amazing.I think a sequel would be awesome with a different type of game maybe side scrolling or something.But either way this is already awesome.(It took me a bit to actually find all of the upgrades but im stupid XD)So yeah.Also I loved the ending XD exactly enough to buy the good ending..nice I loved the game.
Horrible gameplay.Crap game in all,Gigantic Frame rate issues.And NO it isn't my rig.I play Crysis no LAG.big bugs in this game.Its a wounder how this got on the front page.Fix the laggy frame rate.And well...Its just a BAD game.But I guess you actually could make a good game out of it.If it werent for the fr.I would have given it a......hmm about a 3 I still didn't enjoy the game.But i do like games like this just not exactly this ONE better luck next time
it is your rig buddy. Try running it with a 133 mhz processor or higher and you'll be alright!
Not bad.
Well the gameplay was pretty solid I enjoyed the gameplay though I now have a headache I enjoyed the game quite a bit.It was a bit difficult even with the hints for me some of the hints I didn't quite understand.Now please don't call me stupid for that its just the phrasing.And what the objective is.When I just started the game im like WTF? Then when I found out what to do I finaly got into the groove of the game.So like I said pretty solid gameplay.Fun music,Great idea!Some problems ''I'' had with the game but I think an overall 8/10 is what I woul give you
8/10 4/5 80/100
Awesome game I loved it to the end!!! oh here are some cheats
rackem = all weps
prime = inf rage
bin = inf ammo
looney = makes you faster :P awesome game!
Ok so you shocked him while hes on the ground press the gun on the floor and you shoot him in the head.
Hi Im just a regular guy,I like to make art I tried my hand at animation and gave up,I just didn't have the patience needed but for me art is different.It calms me unlike hectic working conditions of animation,So enjoy!
Age 34, Male
PaulDwyer Catholic HighSchool
Joined on 12/9/06